Going Serverless Pros & Cons

Updated 15 July 2020


Serverless is a native cloud architecture. That helps you to transfer more of your operating tasks, through your agility and creativity. Serverless permit us to create and run applications and services without worrying about servers. This removes network management functions such as server or node provisioning, patching, operating system maintenance, and power provisioning.

Why use serverless?

  • Server-less allows you to build up-to-date apps with improved mobility and lower total ownership costs.
  • Creating server-less apps means that your developers will concentrate on their core product instead of thinking about maintaining and operating servers.
  • This reduced overhead enables developers to recover time and energy. This time will be utilize for developing large-scale and reliable products.


  1. Auto Scales : You don’t have to worry about how many instances of your program, you need to run or do load balancing. Furthermore, if you get a spike in inbound traffic, functions will automatically create more  instances. Which will handle the increased load.
  2. No costs when functions aren’t running : You are just paying for the amount of time that server side code is operating. In addition, this opens up a wide variety of use cases and possibilities that have previously been burdensome to manage with “standard” servers.
  3. Leverage third party services : Serverless isn’t just about Functions and FAAS providers (Functions as a service). The notion that anything is “serverless” applies to other providers of third party software. For example: If your business require sending the text messages then you will not build the telecom infrastructure, Instead, you’d leverage a pay per use SAAS.
  4. No infrastructure to maintain : Since you are actually using someone else’s computer to perform your serverless operations. As a result, there is no system for maintaining serverless computing , even remotely.
  5. Reduces latency : For serverless applications, the delay faced by end user can be significantly minimized. Serverless do not operate from an origin server. Even any cloud provider’s data centers can be utilize for running a serverless function. It simply means that any server that is closest to the user is the one that performs the function, significantly reducing the response time.
  6. Reduces complexity of software : A number of considerations must be kept in mind, when applications are build to run directly on a computer. But when you are using serverless architecture, the cloud platform you are using should support the code.


Security Issues

  1. Injection attacks
  2. Security configurations
  3. Using components with known vulnerability
  4. DDoS attacks
  5. Weak IAM policies
  6. Inadequate monitoring and logging

Vendor lock-in

Creating serverless functions on one platform, means it is difficult to transition one to another. Code will need to be updated. APIs that work on one network do not work on another and extra energy (and money) will be dedicated to switching from AWS to Azure or Google Cloud. If you are going invest in the serveless platform, make sure that it has everything to make you happy.

Debugging is more difficult

Each time a serverless instance spins, it generates a new version of itself. Which ensures that the debugging and repair of a serverless system is difficult to collect the data.


so we have discussed about the pros and cons of going server-less and how it can be game changer for your business and it can be one of the most important weapon in your arsenal.

In case of any help or query, please contact us or raise a ticket.

Category(s) AWS cloud SaaS
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