LAMP stack is a popular open source web platform commonly used to run dynamic web sites and servers. LAMP includes Linux, Apache, Mysql & PHP/Python/Perl and very popular platform of for development and deployment of high performance web application.
LINUX : Linux is the most popular operating system used in web servers, primarily because many free Linux distributions are available. This means Linux-based servers are typically cheaper to set up and maintain than Windows servers. Since Linux is (open source|open source), it also works with many other popular open source web hosting software components.
APACHE : The most important software component in the “LAMP” package is Apache, or “Apache HTTP Server.” Apache is the web server that serves webpages over the Internet via the HTTP protocol. Once Apache is installed, a standard Linux machine is transformed into a web server that can host live websites.
MYSQL : Mysql is the most popular relational database management system. The power of MySQL is that it supports SQL and relational tables, making it much easier to develop enterprise-level databases while using the standard SQL language.
PHP : PHP can be used as the object-oriented scripting language but it can also be substituted with Perl or Python.The main benefit of all three of the languages in the LAMP stack, Perl, Python and PHP, is that they are “interpreted” languages. Being interpreted, rather than compiled, they are quick and easy to use so your application becomes faster.
Why we recommend LAMP server (Key features) :
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