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Krayin Installation On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS


Krayin is a custom CRM system built on some of the most cutting-edge open-source technologies. Including Laravel, a PHP framework, and Vue.js, a progressive Javascript framework.

Laravel CRM is a free and open-source CRM solution for SMEs and Enterprises For comprehensive customer lifecycle management.


What We’re Going To Use:

So let’s move to Krayin Installation

STEP 1: Install Prerequisites

Log in to your Ubuntu Server 20.04 and after logging in, install the necessary application software.

(i) Install Apache2, php7.4, and its modules by executing the listed commands in the correct order.

If any of the PHP modules remains, simply through this command, you may install it.

Check the version of PHP. If it is php7.4.x, then allow the PHP module apache and then rewrite the apache module.

(ii) Install Curl and Node.js version 10.x

(iii) Install the Composer

STEP 2: SSH User creation

Presently, we were in our server’s root user, but because of security issues, we do not keep our application code in the directories of the root user. So, we have to create another SSH user for this.

Create an SSH user who will be the owner of the application code. I created an SSH user with the name “Krayin.” You can pick any name you want.

This prompts a password window where you can set the password. The remaining fields can be left empty by simply pressing the enter key. After creating a user, we will switch to a new user.

STEP 3: Download Krayin by using the command below:

After downloading, a directory name “laravel-crm” will be created inside the krayin directory, then go to the public directory / laravel-crm. It is the directory that loads index.php.

STEP 4: Apache configuration

To support the web pages we will configure Apache. So, we need to switch again to the root user for configuring Apache.

You will find the following lines as shown below, after executing the above command.

Now, change this to :

Save it, and exit the editor.

Furthermore, configure the envvars file by executing the below command :

And find these lines :

Modify the apache run user in this way:

And configure file apache2.conf by the following command :

You will find the block code as shown below :

Modify it to the following code :

<Directory /home/kryain/laravel-crm/public/>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

Save the file and exit the editor.

STEP 5: Database creation

Install MYSQL Server for database creation by executing the following commands and when a password is asked after the below two commands, simply press ENTER.

Meanwhile, make some changes to the php.ini file

file_uploads = On
allow_url_fopen = On
short_open_tag = On
memory_limit = 256M
upload_max_filesize = 100M
max_execution_time = 360
date.timezone = America/Chicago

After all the above-mentioned steps, please enable permission to access your krayin root directory as shown below:

STEP 6 : Krayin configuration

Now, in the laravel-crm directory, open the.env file and fill in the information as listed in the image below.

And run the command;

Following a successful installation, you’ll receive the message shown below.

In addition, this is what the default admin dashboard looks like.


In this tutorial, you learned how to install Krayin on an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server. In short, your eCommerce platform is ready to use. You may now proceed with the CRM application and manage your customers on the go.

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