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Why You Should Consider AWS Fargate??

AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate is a server-less compute engine for Amazon Container Service (ECS) & Elastic Kubernet Service (EKS). That allows you to run containers without having to configure and scale the virtual machines.

Some of the customers


  1. It will eliminate the need for the EC2 instances. Since Fargate itself can behave as a compute engine.
  2. Simple, easy to use but still powerful.
  3. Furthermore, you can host and manage the cluster of containers.
  4. You can scale it as per your requirements. As it offers the seamless scaling.
  5. It also integrates ECS and EKS .
  6. In addition its a task native API.
  7. Its pricing is totally resource based.

Scenarios where we can opt for AWS Fargate

  1. If you want to easily eliminate the need of the administers and Improving the operational cost. In addition improving the development efficiency.
  2. When you are in need of full distributed architecture i.e. where components are present on different platforms and they can cooperate with each other in order to communicate over a network.
  3. Also, when you are in need of DevSecOps pattern .i.e. where you want to integrate security and DevOps.
  4. when you frequently want to roll back and do some modification.
  5. Where security is also your main concern you can go for Fargate.
  6. When you want to cut down you cost then also it very handy.
  7. If you are interested in using cluster of containers .
  8. Furthermore, if you want to increase your efficiency, to utilize the run-time better and optimum utilization of memory.
  9. Also if time saving is your one of the major concern.

So in this blog we discussed that why someone should opt for AWS Fargate and in next blog will discuss about “Going Server-less”.

In case of any help or query, please contact us or raise a ticket.

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