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Why go for Cloud storage?


Recognized organization for example, Netflix, AirBNB, Expedia, PBS, and many more rely on cloud administrations for supporting their online operations.


AWS Cloud operation enable user  to better focus on doing what we’re known for in business by cutting the operation cost of  physical hardware need, extra financial arrangement and opportunity cost of time.

Advantage of cloud computing



Types of cloud computing

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

2. Platform as sa service (PaaS)

3.Software as a service (SaaS)

4.Mobile backend as a sevice (MBaaS)

Still confused which storage to choose for your data,& Why go for Cloud storage? read more from here : Click Here

Is your organization considering moving to cloud-based IaaS/PaaS/SaaS? Their are many players, which one too choose for the necessities of your business?

The 2016 RightScale State of the Cloud Report found that AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and IBM SoftLayer are the big names in cloud storage, apps and database etc.

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AWS Pricing: Click here

Google cloud Pricing: Click here

Free tool to compare cloud plan: Click Here

Microsoft Azure


Microsoft’s flexible platform that provides all the building blocks to quickly build, deploy, and manage cloud-based solutions. Azure offers a wide range of usage-based services across applications, compute, storage, and network

Microsoft Azure is upgraded for applications worked in the .NET programming standard for Windows programming. It’s simple for an endeavor to move their Windows applications over to the Azure cloud, contrasted and the opposition.

Google Cloud Platform


Google’s immensely popular consumer products have created a certain image for its cloud platform service. Google lacks the widespread geographical distribution that AWS has.

Google is 100% carbon impartial (some from balance). They are truly pushing their green qualifications and are a long ways in front of whatever other provider.

They are a significant long path behind AWS and Azure as far as product range.


IBM has put vigorously in innovation like IBM Bluemix and IBM Watson , which makes it simpler for engineers to fabricate applications in the cloud.

The general cloud trend has truly harmed IBM’s legacy equipment business, gouging its profit quarter after quarter and throwing a shadow over the organization’s viewpoint .

IBM gloats a ton of development in its cloud business on income calls, yet a ton of this income originates from these cross breed cloud clients, so it’s not exactly one type to it’s logical counterpart.

IBM does not provide the following features as AWS



Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is Amazon’s pride for scalable computing on demand, competing with Google’s Compute Engine and Azure’s Virtual Machines and Virtual Machine Scale Sets.

Amazon’s service is the most comprehensive, but  the pricing for EC2 can get very intricate, and the same goes for Azure’s VMs pricing. Google’s offering is somewhat less flexible, but the pricing is a lot easier to follow

To Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is the service that’s been running the longest, including free webinars, tons of sample code, libraries, articles and tutorials and discussion forums where Amazon developers provide very useful feedback on a regular basis.

Google Cloud Storage and Microsoft Azure Storage provide a service that’s as reliable and robust, but the resources you’ll find don’t come even close that of Amazon’s. That being said, Google and Microsoft may have an edge on the price, so read the fine print.


Amazon, Google and Microsoft, and nearly all of the alternatives discussed, offer starting deals and even free credit for new accounts, meaning that you can start experimenting in the cloud without taking your credit card and with no future obligations.
AWS wins the race because of the large variety of services, features and suppot etc.


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