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The Bagisto SAAS Installation on Plesk

Software as a Service is a new approach in the replacement of traditional software license purchases. SaaS Business is very fastest-growing technology nowadays that is used by the end-user.

Here we will discuss how we can install Bagisto SaaS on a Plesk environment and as well as how to create a tenant–

How to install Bagisto SaaS on Plesk

Step 1 – Login into Plesk

First, we need to login on to Plesk to start with the installation process.

Step 2 – Add a Domain name

We need to add the domain name to launch the website. Therefore Click on ‘Add domain’ to add the domain name that you want to use with your website.

Step 3 – SSH and FTP user

Add your domain name and create one FTP user to access files on the server. However, only this user will be able to access data on your server.

After that, we need to allow SSH access to the user that we have created to access the server files, here my user is ‘Bagisto’.

Step 4: Download Bagisto

Create a Bagisto project in the user’s home directory using Composer, follow these commands –

$ cd /var/www/vhosts/

$ composer create-project bagisto/bagisto

Step 5 – Changing the Document’s root path

Now after installing bagisto, we need to set the document root path and the path should be – httpdocs/bagisto/public

Step 6 – Creation of a Database

Create a database and a user, and after that give the user access to the database with the necessary permissions.

Step 7: Bagisto Configuration

Now create the Bagisto configuration file i.e., ‘.env’ in the Bagisto root directory by using the existing ‘env.example’ file.

$ cp .env.example .env

Now put the created database details like DB name, username, password, and App URL in the ‘.env’ file.

Laravel eCommerce Multi-Tenant SaaS Module

Laravel Multi-Tenant E-commerce SaaS Module:- This is an eCommerce virtual mall, where multiple vendors can sign up and create their own e-commerce store with their domain name.

Bagisto is an online e-commerce platform that helps anyone start their e-commerce store within a few minutes without any technical requirements.

However, the merchant doesn’t need to add any plugin to create their store, it is the full end-to-end integration. You have to just sign up then you can start your business.

Features of Laravel eCommerce Multi-tenant SaaS Module


Step 8: Installation of Laravel eCommerce Multi-Tenant SaaS Module

Customers will get a zip folder after purchasing the extension. After that, Unzip the respective extension zip and then merge the “package” folder into the project root directory.

1-Go to config/app.php file then add the following line under ‘providers’ like below


2-Do the below entry in config/app.php “aliases“

‘Company’ => Webkul\SAASCustomizer\Facades\Company::class

3-Go to config/concord.php and packages/Webkul/Core/src/Config/concord.php files and add the following line under the ‘modules’ index in both files:


4- Then go to the composer.json file inside the Bagisto root directory and add the following line under ‘psr-4


5-Another entry inside the file(‘app/Http/Kernel.php’):

After that, in this file, you can find an array of middleware groups’ inside it there is a key named ‘web’ inside it does an entry:


remove the code in the ‘middleware’ array.


add the code in the ‘middleware’ array.


6-Find a file auth.php present inside the config folder from the root and do the following entries:

Insert the below in ‘guards’ array

‘super-admin’ => [

‘driver’ => ‘session’,

‘provider’ => ‘superadmins’


‘super-admin-api’ => [
‘driver’ => ‘jwt’,
‘provider’ => ‘superadmins’,

7-Then insert the below code in the ‘provider’ array

‘superadmins’ => [

‘driver’ => ‘eloquent’,

‘model’ => Webkul\SAASCustomizer\Models\Agent::class


8-insert the below code in the ‘passwords‘ array

‘superadmins’ => [

‘provider’ => ‘superadmins’,

‘table’ => ‘super_admin_password_resets’,

‘expire’ => 60,


Step 9: Install Free SSL for the site

Install a Let’s Encrypt free basic certificate.

SSL/TLS Certificate for Domain.

Add the below TXT records in DNS Manager in order to generate the wildcard SSL. After adding the record click on reload button.

In my case, I am using Cloudflare as a DNS manager,

Adding Sub Domain

Now open the terminal and run the below command on the Bagisto root directory.

$ composer dump-autoload

$ php artisan SAAS:install

* Access the super admin panel using:

Access the dashboard after that by going to

Merchant Registration

There are three steps to register on the SaaS module.

Step 1: The merchant has to enter the Authentication Credentials like email, and password, confirm the password then click on Continue.

Step2: The merchant has to enter the Personal details like First Name, Last Name, Phone number

Step 3: The merchant has to enter the Organization details like user name and Organization name.

Merchant Front end

Therefore after registration, the seller’s front will look like

The tenant has been created successfully, so by following the same procedure you can create multiple tenants on your website.

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