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Start your journey with Docker….!!!

Let’s talk about Docker. As you have read in earlier blogs, What exactly docker is?

Now let’s talk about the next question, What makes Docker so attractive & how does it work ??

Around 10 Years ago, when the virtual machines started, we realized that virtual machines shared the same hardware with the base machine, and while testing if the virtualized machine goes down then it doesn’t affect our host machine, that was the motto of creating a virtualized machine and there are lots of applications which needs their own environment to run.

In short, a virtual machine is a resource through which we can create an elusion for the app that has its own environment. But even at that time base machine had an enormous load of various virtualized machines, to overcome this situation a new application has been launched named ‘docker’.

It is a very lightweight application and shared the kernel with the base machine in other words it virtualized the environment rather than virtualizing a machine.

The main thing I would like to share with you is we have to install the Docker application and then we can run 10-15 containers or more than that on the single base machine without any problem.

Like in our Laptop, we cant install 10-15 virtual machines as various applications need their own environment. So, on your laptop, if there is docker installed, then you can work very easily anywhere around the world. It does not have any dependency issues.

One more thing which is important to know is Docker containers can use their own ports you have two containers and both containers are having apache2 application on port 80, so you can run both containers of apache on different ports at any time.

Docker is very helpful to create an isolated environment.



There is also one more component in docker DOCKER INDEX….

You must be thinking about what the Docker index is.

Let’s talk about the docker index, it is basically a git repository that contains docker containers and all. You can push containers in that repository or pull containers just like git.

These all points make Docker so attractive….

Now let’s talk about how does docker work?

Let me tell you one thing Docker’s commands are too simple and user-friendly. You only just need to understand the flow of its commands.

ok, let’s install docker in your ubuntu os machine….

First, open the terminal and go to the root user by typing:

then update your system by typing:

Now check curl if it is not installed then type:

Get the latest Docker package with the mentioned command:

now verify whether the Docker is installed or not, type:

docker version should be 20.10.22.

[Note: you can get lots of ways to install docker in just a few commands but to install an updated version, follow the procedure.]

Now let’s learn how to run docker…..

First, you have to download the docker’s image like I want to download the ubuntu-20.04 image then download it by typing:

it will pull the image from the docker hub

After pulling it, you can list the images by typing:

it will show you the complete downloaded images which you have in your system

after that just hit the command to use docker’s image:

that command will give you a terminal and then you can run or install whatever you want, but remember after installation if you want to save the changes, you will have to commit the container and for this, you have to open another terminal & from the root user type:

now the question arises how do we get to know the container’s id & container’s name?

you can check your container’s id and name by typing:

after committing it, your container is ready to use.

[ Note: Remember one thing that without committing your container don’t exit from it & run another one otherwise you’ll lose everything that you have worked in it and next time when you will run it, you will get a fresh copy of your previous container, so docker commit is must to save your work in the container” ]

now if you want to run your container in daemonize mode then you have to hit the command:

To stop running the container:

To remove the container:

 All basic commands are:

build:-Build a container from a Dockerfile

commit:-Create a new image from a container’s changes

cp:-Copy files/folders from the container’s filesystem to the host path

diff:-Inspect changes on a container’s filesystem

events:-Get real-time events from the server

export:-Stream the contents of a container as a tar archive

history:-Show the history of an image

images:-List images

import:-Create a new filesystem image from the contents of a tarball

info:-Display system-wide information

insert:-Insert a file in an image

inspect:-Return low-level information on a container

kill:-Kill a running container

load:-Load an image from a tar archive

login:-Register or Login to the docker registry server

logs:-Fetch the logs of a container

port:-Lookup the public-facing port which is NAT-ed to PRIVATE_PORT

ps:-List containers

pull:-Pull an image or a repository from the docker registry server

push:-Push an image or a repository to the docker registry server

restart:-Restart a running container

rm:-Remove one or more containers

rmi:-Remove one or more images

run:-Run a command in a new container

save:-Save an image to a tar archive

search:-Search for an image in the docker index

start:-Start a stopped container

stop:-Stop a running container

tag:-Tag an image into a repository

top:-Lookup the running processes of a container

version:-Show the docker version information

wait:-Block until a container stops, then print its exit code

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