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Install Magento 2 on PHP7

Magento 2 is the updated version of world’s famous e-commerce framework Magento, It has various benefits as compared to its predecessor like easier site maintenance, better scalability and improved conversions. The most important improvements in respect to business point of view are the streamlined checkout and the much- enhanced Admin Panel. In Magento 2 performance is improved by implementing separate database for order processing which results in reduced amounts of code, increased browser rendering , better image compression and static content caching.

PHP7 is the updated version of PHP Scripting language. It introduced the zend Engine 3.0 which improve 2X performance and 50% better memory consumption than PHP 5.6 still its not officially released for production, so we suggest you to try this in your development environment not in the production environment.

Follow these steps to test Magento2 on PHP7.

Install LAMP stack on your server.

Build Dependencies for php5.

Install missing packages required.

Symlink the gmp.h file into /usr/include/ so the makefile can find it.

Install Mysql Server 5.6 Required for Magento 2

Download the php7.0.0 source code.

Now run the builconf

Now we have to configure the php7 source code according to Magento 2 Requirements.

After configuring and testing the source code lets build the code .

Now force php to use new php, even replace the php5 binary with new php.

We need a php7.conf file into our apache mods, its better to replace the php5.conf file.

Disable php5 in apache, we can’t have php5 and php7 enabled after that restart the apache

Create a symlink by creating directory /etc/php7 with respect to /etc/php5

Now check the php version.

After this create a file phpinfo.php into the document root directory of apache and copy the following content into that file to check the version of php integrated with apache.

Now Download Magento 2 and unzip the content into Apache document root directory /var/www/html/

Change the ownership of /var/www/html directory from root to www-data by following command

change AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All in apache2.conf for Apache Document root directory.

Now enable the rewrite module by following command.

Now hit the URL or IP of that Apache Server on your browser and follow the Instructions to successfully install Magento2.



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