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How to Setup UnoPim Using Nginx Server

UnoPim is a user-friendly, Open-source product information management (PIM) solution designed to streamline both, the management and distribution of product data.

Built on the Laravel framework, it helps businesses organize, update, and share product information across various platforms, enhancing operational efficiency and also customer satisfaction.

In the previous blog, we discussed UnoPim Installation on Ubuntu 24.04 using the Apache server.


Before proceeding with the installation, ensure your system meets the following requirements:

Required Software:

UnoPim Installation Steps –

Step 1: Install the Nginx Web Server

Start by updating your local package repository and also installing Nginx:

Verify that Nginx is running:

Step 2: Install MySQL and Create Database

For Local Database Server:

1. Install MySQL:

2. Configure the MySQL root user and create the database:

For AWS RDS (if using a remote database):

There is a need to enable log_bin_trust_creator and set its value to 1 to allow database creation and dropping during the setup process.

To enable log_bin_trust_creator on AWS RDS, modify the associated DB parameter group by setting the value to 1.

Then, apply the parameter group to your RDS instance and reboot it. This allows CREATE and DROP operations when binary logging is enabled, useful for replication.

Connect to your RDS instance:

Create the database and user for UnoPim:

Step 3: Install PHP and Required Extensions

1. Install PHP 8.2 and the necessary extensions

php8.2-cli php8.2-apcu php8.2-bcmath php8.2-curl php8.2-opcache php8.2-fpm php8.2-gd php8.2-intl php8.2-mysql php8.2-xml php8.2-zip php8.2-mbstring php8.2-imagick

Also, Install Software Properties Common Package:

2. Add PHP Repository (PPA: Ondrej PHP)

3. Install PHP 8.2 and Essential Extensions

4. Adjust PHP settings in php.ini for PHP CLI and FPM:

The memory_limit is set to 1024M (1GB) to allow more memory usage for PHP scripts run via the terminal, useful for resource-intensive tasks.

The date.timezone is set to UTC to standardize the time zone globally, as a result, in avoiding local time zone issues.

The memory_limit is set to 512M to limit memory usage for PHP scripts executed by the web server, as a result, balancing performance and resource usage.

The date.timezone is also set to UTC to ensure consistency across applications and servers.

Step 4: Install Composer

1. Install curl, wget, and other required utilities:

2. Install Composer:

Step 5: Creating User

Create a new user:

Step 6: Download and Configure UnoPim

1. Download the UnoPim code:

Then, Create a New Project Using Composer (unopim/unopim)

2. Copy the .env file:

3. Edit .env and update the necessary values based on your database setup

Then, Save and exit the file.

Step 7: Set Up Nginx Virtual Hosts and PHP conf

1. Create a virtual host configuration:

2. Add the following configuration (adjust paths and domain/IP as needed):

3. Now run these two commands to create a link in sites-enabled and remove the default nginx host file:

To Create a Symbolic Link for Nginx Site Configuration

Remove the default nginx host file

4. Now add the unopim user in www-data group

5. Now user needs to define in php fpm as user, group, listen.owner, and

6. Now restart the server and php-fpm:

7. Test Nginx Configuration for Syntax Errors and Reload Nginx to Apply Configuration Changes

Step 8: Complete UnoPim Installation

1. Run the UnoPim installation:

Login MySQL as root and run this query

Note: log_bin_trust_function_creators should only be enabled in development environments.

However, For production systems, avoid using this setting unless necessary. You can set the log_bin_trust_function_creators value to be 0 after installation.

SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 0;

Follow the prompts for configuration, including setting up the application name, URL, currency, and admin credentials.

Set your admin Name, email, and password, and finish the installation.

For Example:
Admin credentials are:


Now exit the user

Step 9: Access UnoPim

Open a browser and navigate to the following URL:

http://unopim.local/ #Your domain if mapped with the server or IP comes here

Log in with the email and password you set up.

Step 10: Install Supervisor

1. Update your package manager and install supervisor:

2. Check the status of supervisor:

3. Navigate to the Supervisor configuration directory:

4. Create a configuration file named unopim_queue_daemon.conf:

5. Add the following content:


6. Apply Changes

Run the following commands to apply the new Supervisor configuration:

7. Start the UnoPIM queue daemon workers:

8. Check whether it’s running or not using the command

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