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How to setup Odoo 17 on AWS

In our previous blog, we discussed how we can set up Odoo16 on AWS. Now let’s proceed further to know how we can set up odoo 17 on the AWS cloud server.

Steps to setup Odoo 17 on the AWS server

Step 1: Update The Apt Source List

Step 2: Install The Required Python Libraries

Lets install further python libraries –

Step 3: Create A User To Run The Odoo Application

Note: However, You can create your own version-specific user.

Step 4: Install & Configure The PostgreSQL Database Server

A database can be served from the local database server as well as through the AWS RDS.

Case 1: If you are using Local Database Server (PostgreSQL)

After installing the PostgreSQL, We will set up a new PostgreSQL user to do the interactions with the database from the odoo application.

Case 2: If you are using AWS RDS

To connect to an RDS PostgreSQL instance from an Ubuntu server and create a user, you can follow these steps:

Install the PostgreSQL client on your Ubuntu server if it’s not already installed:

Now, you can connect to your RDS and run the following command.

Now you can CREATE ROLE odoo17 WITH LOGIN PASSWORD ‘$ecretp@$$’;

Step 5: Clone The latest Code From Github After Switching To The Odoo17 User

Once the latest code is cloned on your server, you can exit from the odoo17 user and be the root user to run further commands.

Step 6: Install Required Web Dependencies For The Odoo

Step 7: Installing Wkhtmltopdf

To install the Wkhtmltopdf package on an Ubuntu 22.04 server, you need to have the libssl1.1 package (libssl1.1_1.1.1f-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb) installed on the server.

Step 8: Install Required Python 3 Dependencies For Odoo

if you face cffi issue because of version incompatibility.

Run the below command.

again run the requirement txt

Now the cffi package issue has been Fixed

Step 9: Make A Directory To Keep Track Of Odoo Logs

Step 10: Create A Configuration File For The Odoo

Sample configuration file.

Further, Set the ownership and permission to the file.

Step 11: Now Create An Odoo Boot Script

This script will let us start/stop the Odoo as a service automatically. Click here to get the script.

Note:- Copy the script to your server and change the daemon path with your respective path.

Now, let’s set the ownership and the permission also for the file.

Step 12: Start/Stop Odoo Service

Monitor logs of the Odoo using the below command.

Let’s try the IP and port in your preferred browser if the logs don’t show any indication of an error.

Note – Do open the 8069 port from the AWS console in the Security group.

Now your Odoo is successfully operating on a browser with a given IP address and port.

If you want to configure your Odoo application with Nginx, then you can refer to the Blog.

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