Varnish Integration


Varnish Integration

Each time the browser make requests, content is fetched form the backend server. With increase in number of recipients to be handled, load on server increases and hence the quality of service face a downfall.

Varnish Cache visits your server once to cache the page, then all future requests for the same page will be served by Varnish Cache. Varnish works by handling requests before they make it to your backend, whether your backend is Apache, Nginx or anything else. If it doesn’t have a request cached, it will forward the request to your backend and then cache its output. It is especially useful for businesses that value speed, performance, scalability, and want to save on server infrastructure. Varnish Cache is beneficial both to users who need basic functions and to very advanced users who have the expertise, time and resources to build customized modules.

Features and Benefits Of Varnish:

Performance enhancement
Configuration flexibility
Content compression
Improved user experience and customer conversion
Instant Purge for better performance

Also, Varnish can be integrated with framework specific plugins or extensions for better performance.

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